The Reason I Carry

Last night as I was out to dinner with friends, one of them noticed that I had my Rock Island 1911 tucked into the small of my back in my waistband holster. This brought about a long debate about gun rights and why I personally choose to conceal and carry a firearm when I go to a populated event. I don’t boast it on my hip, and I always make sure its discreet as possible. I wouldn’t want any potential … Read More

Watch Clerk Stop Robber Instantly

This clip is a few years old, but it goes to show how armed citizens can deter, and even prevent crime. Criminals are criminals because they ignore the law. They have no concern for it. They seek to circumvent it in order to get what they want. Taking away a citizen’s right to bear arms only makes it easier for criminals to get what they want. I could go on, but this video makes my point for me.